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How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Cambridge, MA?

April 27, 2023
How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Cambridge, MA?

On average, you can expect Invisalign treatment in Cambridge, MA to cost between $3,000 and $8,000. This cost includes your alignment trays as well as a limited number of replacements. All appointments with your dentist concerning your treatment are also included in this total. 

The final cost for Invisalign treatment will be based on each individual’s treatment plan, including the complexity of your treatment, the number of aligners required, and the length of the treatment. 

It is not a secret that Invisalign does run a bit higher in cost than traditional braces, but it is more cost-effective than other solutions, such as clear bracket braces. Thanks to available financing through companies like CareCredit and Compassionate Finance, as well as dental insurance, Invisalign is more affordable than it has ever been. 

Why Choose Invisalign? 

Crooked teeth and other visible oral health issues can negatively impact an individual’s self-esteem - especially in teens and young adults. With the help of Invisalign, patients can get the treatment they need without calling attention to it. The clear aligners are discreet and have very little impact on confidence levels. 

Invisalign is a great treatment choice for all sorts of dental issues, such as: 

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Open bites
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth

Not addressing some of these concerns now can lead to bigger issues in the future. 

What You Can Expect with Invisalign 

Interested in Invisalign? Even though the process is rather simple, it always feels good to know what to expect. 

The very first step of Invisalign is finding out whether or not you are a candidate for the treatment. You will meet with the dentist and undergo an evaluation to make this determination. 

Moving forward with Invisalign, dental images and scans will be taken. This will help your dentist create a 3D image of what your smile will look like after the treatment is complete. And, from your images, a plan will be created and your custom aligners will be developed so that you can begin your treatment. You will wear and change out your aligners as instructed by your dentist, following up occasionally throughout the length of the treatment. 

The removable aligner trays must be worn for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours per day. Not doing so will result in delayed - or failed - treatment. The reason for this is that the tray encourages your teeth to move into their new position. As you switch to new trays, they will move your teeth along a path to the finished product. Without wearing the aligners, your teeth are not being treated.

It doesn’t take long before you will begin to visibly see the changes in your smile. Some notice this within just a few short weeks! 

As long as your treatment progresses as it should, your teeth and bite will be perfectly aligned and your smile straight by the time you finish with your last clear aligner. 

Keep in mind that, just as with traditional braces, you will be required to wear a retainer after your treatment is complete. This keeps your teeth from shifting back into their old position. 

Interested in Invisalign Treatment? 

If you are in the Cambridge, MA area and would like to see if Invisalign is right for you, the dental team at Cambridge Family Dentistry can help. 

Contact us today at 617-868-7479. Or, request an appointment online.

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872 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 2-4
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617-868-7479 | Fax: 617-868-6376
Monday | 7am - 6pm
Tuesday | 7am - 5pm
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